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Viewer of the latest fires detected in the world


The active fire map is a service offered and produced by NASA FIRMS based on the data collected by the MODIS/VIIRS sensors on board the satellites. The information collected is processed quickly and made available to the public within a few hours. With all this, we can know in a fairly objective way the approximate place where apoint of fire and the magnitude of it.

Viewer of the latest earthquakes produced in the world


The tectonic plates are in continuous movement on the Earth's asthenosphere, which causes their external zones to limit each other in convergence, divergence or friction, releasing energy and producing earth tremors, which we call earthquakes. The geological results on the Earth's crust of these forces are, among others: rifts, oceanic trenches, island arcs, mountain ranges, geological faults or volcanoes.

Heatmap of Strava gps traces


The layouts created by the Strava app, dedicated to serving as a GPS tool for athletes around the world, provides us as a whole with an immense network of paths. The data is created from the daily use by the users of the Strava App, who incorporate the tracks of their sports outputs. The Big Data sum of all of them results in a heatmap of the most frequent routes. We can get different heatmap depending on the activity: cycling, running, swimming or winter activities.

Soviet military mapping of the world


The cartographic production produced by the USSR during the Cold War period is immense, encompassing all corners of the globe. These topographic maps have a quality and a detail that surprises, especially as some of them are so remote and difficult to access for the technology of the time. Today, we can find countries where the best cartographic base is even Soviet maps.

If anyone wants to find out more about the stories behind these maps and some interesting links, I recommend the following page:
Soviet Military Topographic Mapping

Mapworld of OSM, Google, Esri, Bing, Yandex and Waze


Different companies and projects provide interactive map services worldwide in different formats, including:
- Open Street Map: cooperatively, where users themselves perform the tasks of mapping.
- Google Maps: the most famous par excellence and one of the first to open the cartography to the general public.
- Esri: company that has been able to make digital change, moving from paper maps to leading the Geographic Information Systems.