Interactive map with all the cartography concerning the cities and towns of Spain. In it we can locate the administrative divisions, the municipal terms, the names of the streets, the numbering of the portals, the kilometer points, the census districts and other information of urban cartography.
Map Base makes a cartographic representation from small scales to 1:4,000 geographical names, transport networks and their infrastructures, natural, cultural and archaeological spaces, hydrography, relief, urban centers, islands, apples, buildings and addresses, along with the representation of the sea and the boundaries of countries.
Census section and Districts contains the annual series of sectioning corresponding to the Electoral Census (EC) and Municipal Population Board (PA). The sectioning of the 2001 and 2011 Census of Population and Housing (CPV) is added to the official date of its collection, November 1. The elements of each series are two: Districts only and, within them, Sections. The territorial delimitation of the Census Sections establishes the scope of this statistical unit inferior to the municipality that is the basis of most statistical operations of the National Statistical System: censuses, patterns, surveys and other operations Statistics. Each municipality is divided into one or more Census Sections and there is no part of the municipality that does not belong to a Census Section. The sections of a municipality are grouped into one or more Census Districts and each Section belongs to a Census District. The series starts from 2007, at 1 January for each year, including also census dates, such as 1 November for the years 2001 and 2011. Minimum visibility scale: 1:1,000,000 for District and 1:250,000 for Censal Section.
CartoCiudad and Zip Code obtains the name of the addresses from the Cartociudad project from official data from IGN, the Directorate General of the Catastro, the Correos Group and the National Statistical Institute and in collaboration with the autonomous communities of the Basque Country, Foral Community of Navarra, Valencian Community, La Rioja and Illes Balears. The designations are in accordance with The Inspire 2007/2/EC Directive as well as their style.