Cartographic viewer with the display services of the French state, offered by the different public bodies of the administration. It shows an extensive collection of topographic, historical, orthophotos, relief, administrative boundaries, toponymy, cadastre, environment, geology, official itineraries, among other cartography of France.
Uti mappinglized:
- The IGN v2 Plan is a multiscale topographic mapping in the national territory, based on the IGN vector databases, updated periodically and carried out according to a fully automated process. The IGN plan is a complete IGN background designed entirely for screen use. It consists of 19 zoom levels that accurately andreadable map of France from the global scale to about 1:1,000, while offering rich content on a large scale, especially in urban areas.
- The SCAN 1000® version 2 product is a collection of digital color images, obtained by rasterization of vector data from the national map of France (901) at a scale of 1:1,000,000. The product whichthroughout the French mainland and Corsica. The SCAN 1000 is a series of geo-referenced digital cartographic images that can be used immediately to locate and position information, identify interventions, capture and update business data, as well as store documents for visualization at scales of 1:1,000,000. A global vision of France con its transport and land use networks
- The SCAN 50® Historical product is obtained by georeferenced and mosaic assembly of 1:50,000 scanned maps. These source maps were written in the 20th century. They establish the status of the 1:50,000 cartography of the territories covered on a given date. For example, the 1950s Historic SCAN 50® includesall maps at 1:50,000 in its last edition available in the late 1950s (1959). As an exception, for mainland France three more recent maps (but close in time to the fixed period) (1960, 1961 and 1963) have been integrated.
- Map of the French General Staff (1820-1866) in color from the 19th century, superimposed on modern maps and data. The products SCAN Etat-major® se obtienen mediante el ensamblaje georreferenciado y en mosaico de 1:10.000 y 40.000 actas de Estado Mayor escaneadas. Estos mapas fuente fueron escritos en el siglo XIX. Los estudios iniciales se llevaron a cabo entre 1825 y 1866, antes de ser complementados con actualizaciones parciales hasta 1889.
- Cartografía histórica con mapas topográficos de París y alrededores en diferentes fechas 1818-1924 y 1906.%20
- Mapa del litoral formado por las cartas náuticas del Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico Naval (SHOM) y cartas terrestres del IGN. Tenga en cuenta: Estos datos no están destinados a la navegación marítima.
- Áreas geográficas%20de las regiones francesas. Cartografía de la zona de París 1964 and 1979, Ajaccio 1976, Belfort Montbelliard 1973, Berry Sud 1952, Bethune 1956, Biarritz 1979, Bourg-Saint-Maurice 1974, Caen 1969, Cap-Dagde 1971, Clermont-Ferrand 1966, Creil Sud Picardie 1979, Dijon 1962, Grenoble 1965, Grenoble 1976, Grenoble 1991, Guadeloupe 1955, Guyane 1958, La Réunion 1980, La Rochelle Rochefort 1959, Le Havre 1975 and 1979, Limoges 1966, Lyon 1947, 1980 and 1985, Marne-La-Vallée 1966, 1978 and 1987, Marseille Martigues 1947, 1980 and 1986, Metz Nancy 1983, Nantes 1972, Reims 1974, Roissy 1973, Roissy 1978, Strasbourg 1956 and 1978, Toulon Hyeres 1976, Toulouse 1976, Vannes Golfe Du Morbihan 1960 and 1971, Versailles 1979.
- Annual orthophotos from the year 2000 to the present.
- F Aerial Photo Coveragerancid in the 1950s, just as it was before the major events of the 1960s. This coverage was produced from historical aerial photographs digitized by the IGN. It is available in mainland France, overseas departments and regions (Guyana is only partially covered) and overseas communities, except Polynesia Francesa. The photographs are orthorectified, that is, corrected for deformations due to shooting and terrain relief, and assembled to provide a continuous visualization that can be overlaid with the Large Scale Repository (RGE®) or maps.
- Coverage in aerial photographs of France from 1965 to 1980. This coverage wasand made from historical aerial photographs numérisées par l 'IGN. Elle est disponible sur la France métropolitaine, les départements et régions d 'Outre-Mer (la Guyana n'est que partiellement couverte) and les colectivités d 'Outre-Mer sauf la Polynésie française. The photographs are orthorectified, directly corrected for deformations due to sight and relief ofthe terrain, and assembled to allow for superimposable visualization with the Référentiel à Grande Echelle (RGE®) or charts.
- Coverage of aerial photographs of France from the 1980s to 1995. This cover was made from historical aerial photographs digitized by the IGN. It is available in mainland France, the departments andoverseas territories (Guyana is only partially covered) and overseas communities, except French Polynesia. The photographs are orthorectified, that is, corrected for deformations due to shooting and terrain relief, and assembled to provide a continuous display that can be overlaid with the Large Scale Repository (RGE®) or maps.
- Admin Express is the administrative division of the French territory (commune, departmental arrondissement, department, region, etc.).
- The altitude layer consists of a dem (Digital Terrain Model) shown in hypsometric tones and taken from the BD ALTI®.
- Layer of buildings where constructions that cover the territory are displayedfrench.
- The product "contour lines" is a digital model of the terrain in the form of curves of the same altitude, also called "altitude isopleths", or more technically "isohipsis". These curves allow the description of the French relief.
- Geographical names show the place names of cities, towns, localities,etc.
- National parks are vast terrestrial or marine protected areas whose natural heritage is exceptional and whose objective is both to protect large-scale ecological processes and to provide opportunities to discover nature.
- Regional natural parks are areas of great cultural and natural interest, where it must be guaranteedsustainable development, which often have a very marked rural character.
- Marine natural parks are marine areas identified by their biodiversity or by human activities subject to protection.
- Biosphere reserves recognized by the Program on Man and the Biosphere created by Unesco.
- Biotopesof protected species with protected species habitat conservation areas. Regulatory tool at the departmental level.
- Layer of the Natura 2000 Network with the protected areas of the European directive for habitats and birds.
- UNESCO Global Geoparks are unified geographical spaces, where sites andlandscapes of international geological importance are managed according to a global concept of protection, education and sustainable development.
- Hydrography shows the water bodies of lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams in France.
- Visualization of the Buildings built that cover the French territory.
- Slope Maps of the areas with a value greater than 30°-35°-40°-45° according to the ALTI BD at 5 m intervals.
- The altitude layer consists of an MDT (Digital Terrain Model) shown in hypsometric tones and taken from the ALTI® BD.
- Version 1 of the Forest Map covering the years 1987 and 2004 with natural forest and plant formations.It covers the entire territory of mainland France. It is carried out by interpreting infrared aerial photographs and is perfected by field checks (the minimum threshold of mapped surface is 2.25 ha).
- Version 2 of the Forest Map from 2006 with location of 32 types of plant formations in the territory.
- Los GuNESCO Global eoparks are unified geographical spaces, where sites and landscapes of international geological importance are managed according to a global concept of protection, education and sustainable development.
Source and download of official data:
- French IGN official viewer page: